Rotary Potentiometer: What Is It, And Why Would You Want One?
A rotary potentiometer, also known as a rotary switch or simply a rotary knob, is an electronic component used in various electronic devices. These include potentiometers found in audio gear, gaming controllers, and automobiles.
What is Rotary Potentiometer?
A rotary potentiometer is a type of potentiometer that uses a rotating dial to change its output. It is often used in electronic circuits as part of analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) and other signal processing applications. Rotary potentiometers are also used in industrial and scientific instruments, such as level meters, ovens, and air quality sensors.
How does a Rotary Potentiometer Work?
A rotary potentiometer is a type of potentiometer that uses a motor to rotate the wiper arm and thereby change the resistance between the two terminals. This type of potentiometer is common in electronic devices because it allows for precise adjustments. When you rotate the pot, its resistance changes, which can be used to control voltage or current levels.
Rotary pots are most commonly used to adjust voltages or currents, but they can also be used to control other values such asfrequency or temperature. Rotary pots are typically more precise than linear pots, which makes them ideal for controlling sensitive electronics. They are also easy to operate and maintain, making them a popular choice among hobbyists and professionals.
Rotary potentiometers are among the most common sensors found in electronic devices. They are used to detect and measure various physical quantities, such as position, rotation, or pressure. This article has explained what a rotary potentiometer is and given some examples of its applications. If you want to know more about this sensor type or need help finding one for your project, be sure to check out GFOOKIC Rotary Potentiometers.